If you’re thinking about implementing child care software for your child care centre, or if it’s already being used, it’s important that you use it to its full potential. At the beginning, you may be excited to implement it, but after a couple of months pass, you may find that you’re not getting the most out of it. It’s important to thoroughly understand all the features that are available to you, including a personalised dashboard, business reporting, online enrolments and payments, learning observations, and rosters and schedules. By utilising these features, you can make sure you’re maximising the benefits of your child care software.
Read on to find out three tips to help you use your child care software in the best way possible.
Train Your Staff
Your child care staff will use the software every day, so it’s essential that they’re properly trained in using it. Having staff up to speed on how to best use your child care software is important for the success of its implementation. To train your staff, get them together and show them all the features available to them. It’s also vital to encourage staff to use every opportunity to make a journal entry about what a child learns or how they’ve displayed growth.
This helps showcase the benefits of your child care software to parents and also records a child’s development to ensure they’re on track.
Share with Parents
Another way of maximising the benefits of your child care software is through sharing information with parents, enabling staff to connect with them in a fast and efficient way. Professional child care software allows your staff to easily communicate with a child’s parents throughout the day. For example, staff can snap a photo during an art lesson and tag a child so their parents will be able to immediately view it. This builds a good relationship between staff and parents, leaving parents feeling highly satisfied with the level of care that’s being provided.
This makes them more likely to keep their child at your centre and even recommend it to their family and friends.
Consult with Your Child Care Software Company
If you’re unsure about how to maximise the benefits of your child care software, it’s best to consult with your child care software company. There should be an online help desk and unlimited phone call support, so no matter the issue, your child software company should be able to assist you.They’ll have the knowledge and tools to help you with whatever you need, regardless of whether a problem is big or small.
They may even be able to show you other parts of your child care software that you didn’t know existed, and you can discuss anything from online payment and BPAY through to rosters and schedules.
Even if you feel like you’re using your child care software to its full potential, it may be time to contact your software company to review your setup and ensure there are no updates available.