It could seem like a scene from a movie , a shady looking guy is working hard on his laptop in a busy city area , suddenly people start falling dead to the ground, clutching their chests.
Such a incident can now actually be a reality, a person with some computer knowledge can easily cause harm to a person and security security researchers are raising the alarm about the security of implanted medical devices.
Speakers at the security conference – Pic ref
At a security conference in Australia (Breakpoint security conference) in Melbourne last month, Mr Jack demonstrated how he was able to deliver a deadly 830-volt jolt to a pacemaker by logging into it remotely after hacking it, but did not reveal which models were vulnerable, a standard practice for ethical hackers, known as "white hats".
M.Jack who also did a demo of how a ATM machine can be hacked to give out money at alas vegas conference demonstrated how he was able to deliver a deadly 830-volt jolt to a pacemaker by logging into it remotely after hacking it, but did not reveal which models were vulnerable.
You can access their online security research papers here.
The internet security conference Breakpoint was held on the 17th and 18th of October 2012 at the Intercontinental Rialto in Melbourne, Australia.