There is a substantial population in the world with bad credit scores. These people often find themselves totally sidelined from the others when it comes to raise money from banking institutions. The reason behind this neglect is the risk involved in handing out loans to people who may not possibly be able to pay the complete amount on time. However, bad credit home loans offered by some lenders have given hopes to all such people. Recently many players have arrived in the market to make most of the emerging sector of bad credit mortgages. The low doc or low documentation loans provide unique opportunity to bad credit borrowers.
Red rock is one such financial institution which is one of the leaders in the “bad credit market”. In the present times two types of loans are suggested by the top broking houses to the clients withbad credit history.
Low doc loans:
These loans are specially designed for the people that can not avail to the facility of regular loans from the banks because of their impaired credit history. These loans have given a golden opportunity to such people. It provides a unique opportunity to them in obtaining funds for future investment. Their broader types include:
1) Self declared
2) Account statement
3) Asset lend
In the case of low doc home loans the applicant is not required to provide of much of the paper work otherwise needed in the case of regular loans. The system works on a method called self-verification where the candidate has to declare his active source of income. The lenders decide, thereafter, if the application of the candidate is worth consideration or not. Low doc loans are one of the most innovative and sought out loans in the present market and provide lots of relief to the clients with bad credit history. They have completely revolutionized the financial market catering to a new set of client base.
SMSF loans
Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) loans protect you against the economic depression and helps in the wealth creation. Very few options are present in the market that can provide you the unique opportunity of safe investment and wealth creation at one and the same time.
The SMSF home loans provide investors flexibility and tax relief, to an extent. SMSF loans are an exclusive lending facility that enables a borrower to use his pre-existing SMSF to borrow and invest in commercial properties including shops, showrooms, warehouses and other approved residential properties.
The only mandatory condition is to have a pre-established and compliant SMSF. The applicant is at a considerable advantage as his SMSF can acquire property worth more than the value of available funds in the personal account. Your SMSF assets are secure even in the case of loan default.
The process of Self Managed Super Fund loansis highly advantageous as tax liabilities can be condensed to a reasonable extent. The interest expenses can be claimed as tax deductions by the SMSF. This feature is not found in many other bad credit fund options. Therefore one should consider availing these opportunities as soon as possible.
Author Box: Red Rock Mortgage is an independent mortgage finance company specializing in property finance solutions for investors & borrowers with specialized lending needs
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