Losing or forgetting your password is not the only problem when it comes to password security, but Hacking of websites are increasingly becoming common and therefore having a easy to guess password is not the only risk now days in contrast to popular belief.
But having a weak password is often the easiest way to gain illegal access to a user’s account, by illegal means. Wedding anniversaries, the name of a child and dates of birth for close relations were also among the most common passwords chosen by users.
An old favourite “Password” featured in the top ten codewords. Quite often the easiest way to remember a password is to add your date of birth to a name which and hackers know this already , making it easy to crack manually or by an automated software that inserts random names and numbers to crack it easily.
Australian Business Channel (Password software video)
If you forgot or lost your computer desktop /laptop password this video might help
The top 10 most common hacked and used passwords:
1. 1234 and 123456
2. Password
3. Name and date of birth
4. Your username created
5. Passwd
6. Test
7. Abc123
8. Qwerty
9. 12345678
Not surprisingly these passwords are some of the most common passwords used on laptops , Desktops and computers. Tablets and smartphones have been spared of these weka passwords due to new locking methods. Other inspired entries included “qwerty,” “monkey,” “111111″ and “password1.”
Above are the top 10 passwords and their positions relative to the 2013 rankings. Be well aware when it comes to letting your employees choose their passwords for your business IT systems and have a policy for enforcing stronger passwords.
If you have lost or forgot your password to a local or personal windows machine you can use password reset software to reset your local machine password instantly