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Traditionally most employers have equated age with wisdom and skills, and in the past, it was often the case that in order to get promoted you simply had to stick around with the same firm for long enough to make this happen. However, savvy businesses are catching on to the huge benefits that young leadership opportunities can bring to a company. Not only do young people inject motivation, energy and enthusiasm into a firm but they are often streets ahead in terms of technology and computing!
Unfortunately, many young people get a bad press with gripes from older workers about their lack of a good work ethic. These include complaints such as their air of entitlement, that they don’t work hard enough and that they lack verbal and written communication skills. Of course, this is a huge generalization and ignores the fact that many young people are well educated, hard-working and are good team players with a great attitude.
Stereotypes of young people are being disproved time and time again as they show that they have a great deal to offer in the workplace, and these are just some of the key attributes they can bring:
They are on trend: they understand the culture we live in and can often interpret this much more effectively than an older person. This can enable a company to plug into emerging trends and themes.
They are very quick learners: they have the brainpower, youth and motivation to pick things up speedily and effectively.
They challenge the status quo: every business needs to evolve but it is easy to stagnate – with young people around they can shake things up and enable the growth of new ideas and techniques.
They are technologically adept: even though older people may have a raft of technological skills, the speed and understanding that young people bring into this sphere of business can be astounding.
They are the future: however well your firm operates you will need new blood – senior staff can’t go on forever so youth leadership development provides a legacy for the future of your business.
They have real enthusiasm: this can obviously be very infectious, especially for older workers who may have become very jaded and cynical – a young person’s outlook can put some zest back into your mission.
They are fun and inspiring: young people can give a different perspective on the world and can often liven up what may have become a dull and boring workplace environment.
A number of organizations work with the Australian Government to provide life-enhancing skills and jobs for young people such as this jobactive services at yourtown.
Initiatives such as these enable eligible job seekers to be connected with suitable employers and enhance their experience and skills. This kind of job active services provision enables specialist support to businesses in terms of consultation about their needs, screening of potential candidates, and organizing interviews and subsidies to make the process as easy and economical as possible. Therefore if you haven’t considered the many benefits of employing a young person, now may be the time to take stock and re-energize your workforce with the many positive attributes this will bring.
About The Author:
Caroline Bird is a creative writer and digital marketer. She loves sharing her perspective, tips and how-tos related to home improvement, productivity, business, technology, and SEO through her writing. Connect with Caroline via @bCarolinebird12
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